Smart Tan Magazine

VOL27ISS4 2012

smart Tan Magazine is the leading source of information for indoor tanning salons, covering everything from the newest tanning technology, Vitamin D and the lastes tanning lotions to detailed ways to improve your salon's success.

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A CC ORDIN G T O Katie Historical American Statesman Edward Livingston once said, "Through knowl- edge have come responsibility and hope, and through both, action." Knowledge, responsibility and action: We all know what they mean, but do we truly consider the heaviness of each? Let's consider each of these concepts more deeply: Knowledge: Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation. Responsibility: To be answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management. Action: An act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity. ( The more you review the above, the more words like "facts," "truths," "power," "con- trol" and "consciously wills" stand out. We hear about knowledge, responsibility and action so often in our daily lives that we forget the gamut of powerful ideas they encompass. Those three not-so-little words are pretty impactful and require full attention and respect. One year ago this month, I accepted a position as vice president of brand aware- ness at New Sunshine; I immediately learned the significance of these words 101 SMART TAN MAGAZINE [ for our industry – responsibility being the most important. However, in order to take responsibility, we must first become knowledgeable and then demonstrate our accountability through action. Arm yourself with knowledge: • Educate yourself. Know the pros and cons of UV exposure and how to protect yourself. • "Subjecting yourself to unlimited amounts of UVB is potentially harmful. But denying yourself any and all UVB can lead to seri- ous health problems […] Lack of sunlight (vitamin D deficiency) is associated with a host of conditions from colon, breast, pros- tate and ovarian cancer to heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and depression" (from "The UV Advantage" by Dr. Michael F. Holick and Mark Jenkins). • Most tanning beds are manufactured with the same output of UVA to UVB as the sun: 95 percent and 5 percent, respec- tively ( Assume responsibility for yourself, your business and your community: • Consider your/your client's medical history. • Analyze your/your client's skin type. • Be aware of your/your client's bodily limitations. Take Action: • Use common sense and practice moderation. New Sunshine is dedicated to educating the next generation of responsible tanners. Through knowledge comes power. With power, comes responsibility. Responsibility requires appropriate action. It's a pyra- mid of promise for our industry, and most importantly, our customers. .DWLH 6WDP ZDV FURZQHG WKH ÀUVW 0LVV $PHULFD IURP WKH VWDWH RI ,QGLDQD $V 0LVV $PHULFD .DWLH VHUYHG DV WKH 1DWLRQDO *RRGZLOO $PEDVVDGRU IRU &KLOGUHQ;·V 0LUDFOH 1HWZRUN D VSRNHVSHUVRQ IRU KHU SHUVRQDO SODWIRUP RI SURPRWLQJ FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH DQG DV DQ DGYRFDWH IRU RXU DUPHG IRUFHV .DWLH LV WKH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW RI %UDQG $ZDUHQHVV IRU 1HZ 6XQVKLQH //& LQ ,QGLDQDSROLV ,1

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